Media relations and communications manager, ETI (prior to leaving ETI, Feb 2012)
Julia works on raising awareness about ethical trade and developing to tools to communicate about ethical trade to retailers, suppliers and consumers.
"I do the easy bit", she says. "Getting the message across about how important ethical trade is may be challenging sometimes, but I don't have to make tough decisions on how to respond if I find my company has been sourcing from a factory using child labour, or on how to balance ethical and commercial demands in today's recession-struck times."
Work is double-edged: while it provides the main opportunity for people to escape poverty, without respect for workers' rights, it keeps them locked into it.
All of us in ethical trade need to do much more to help drive up wages worldwide, so that more parents can send their children to school - not out to work.
People often complain about how reality TV dumbs us down, but BBC3's recent Blood, Sweat and Luxuries and its two predecessors use the medium to great effect.