OHS training to RMG factory managers and supervisors
This guide accompanies the five OHS / Covid-19 Supervisor & Manager training modules developed for RMG factories in Bangladesh, below. While users accessing the modules can adopt the content to their specific training context, the guide gives advice on what form the training may take and how to organise it.

ETI support to RMG factory safety committees in Bangladesh
This guide accompanies the RMG Factory Safety Committee flipchart and workplan template, below. It provides an overview of how the resources can be used to support factory safety committees in Bangladesh.

Developing a pool of master trainers

This guide accompanies the five OHS flipcharts below, developed for RMG factories in Bangladesh. The aim is to provide an overview of how the resources can be used as part of developing a pool of Master Trainers within factories.

Covid-19 prevention behaviour change communication materials

A range of COVID-19 awareness-raising posters and stickers in Bengali
This guide accompanies the BCC materials below. Users can include the materials in their own communication campaigns and this brief guide gives some background to the materials and things to keep in mind before distributing them.

Raising awareness of Covid-19 prevention among workers
This guide accompanies the Covid-19 prevention awareness raising training materials developed for RMG factories in Bangladesh jointly with Quizrr. While the digitally-designed training methodology as applied in ETI’s VSCF project in Bangladesh is only available by procuring a user license from Quizrr, the materials are available on Quizrr’s digital platform for ETI members and their suppliers to use as part of other awareness-raising initiatives. The training aims to raise awareness on health and safety at the workplace, focusing on rights, responsibilities, and systems, and with a clear gender equality lens throughout. The training consists of live action and animation films and quiz-questions.

Further resources
Covid-19 disease control prevention, from WHO:
(Note: You are responsible to check rights to use the material with WHO)